Yessing and Noing to the Life we Want to Live

We are capable people, friends, so we get asked to do a bunch of stuff.  And we have great thoughts about what we can do to help others!  There is so much  we can do… but we can also be mindful of what overextending ourselves does to our personhood.  We can yes and no our way to the life that we want to live that gives space for deep moments of connection.  In this episode of “To Be Fair…” we think about these things and live toward our good life for ourselves, our families and our world.  May it be so for you and for me.

I talk a bit about Marcus Borg in this episode.  Here is a link to his foundation.  I love the opening words:  “Experience of God, not belief in God is the invitation of Christianity.”  Sooo good.  Thanks be.

Thanks for growing with me, friends.  Cheers to intentional yessing and noing.