Ethical Clothing

We live in a fantastic time, friends!  There are clothing options available to us that are wonderful in every way!

Farmers can be paid fairly for their crops that were grown well, material can be made from said crops, people can sew beautiful things with that fabric and we can look good in clothing that we know was sourced well.

It’s wonderful!

Except that sometimes we don’t plan ahead and end up needing to buy sweat shop clothing.  Damn it.  <raising my own hand here>

That’s when we stop, breathe and live on knowing that we can do things differently the next time if we want to try to do so.  Grace.  For ourselves.

Referenced in this episode: Are My Hands Clean by Sweet Honey in the Rock, P.A.C.T.American Apparel, and Patagonia.

Listen and think on with me, friends!

w/love and good cheer – Amy  Kay
Connected – Fair Trade