How to Live with Whole Hearts

From one of Paul’s letters to an early church to Dr. Brené Brown, we can pull from thoughtful people who have been encouraging us to live wholeheartedly.  How to do it?  Listen in to this episode of To Be Fair… and spend time dwelling in Dr. Brown’s work.

Dr. Brown’s website is here.  On her homepage she has a section that suggests what order to read her books if you are interested in doing so.

Dr. Brown has been a guest of Oprah on her Super Soup Sunday Podcast a few times as well as on the Good Life Project.  I highly recommend listening to not just Dr. Brown on these podcasts, but to all the episodes.  🙂  She’s probably been on many, many podcasts so just enjoy searching around for her.

Lastly, Dr. Brown has HIGHLY beloved TED Talks. There are multiple so just search for the ones that draw you in the most.

Cheers for all the good!!