What Can Make Us More Happy? Music!

In this episode of To Be Fair… we think about an easy thing we can do to make ourselves more happy: listen to music.  It’s as easy as clicking on our favorite tunes!

As I describe in simplistic ways about what happens in our brains when we listen to good music, I referenced my high school Biology teacher.  I can’t believe this, but I called Mr. Weishaar by my government teacher’s name!  Goodness.  I only realized my mistake because Mr. Weishaar has just recently passed away and I saw words of the celebration of his life.  He certainly taught a lot of us the basics and I’m grateful for him.  I apologize for misspeaking his name.

I hope you find this episode helpful and am interested in your thoughts.  Please share as you feel comfortable doing so.

Let’s do rock that natural dopamine in our brains, friends, and lift our spirits with some music!